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Michael Sarracini

Guelph, Ontario

Business: Keyspire
Industry: Real Estate
Website: keyspire.com

“When I had an idea for my second business—which I wanted to grow big—I knew there had to be a better way.
– Michael Sarracini

Read Michael’s full story below.

In my last 10 years as a member of Strategic Coach, I’ve never gone to a workshop without taking away at least one six-figure nugget. Whether it’s a new idea or a shift in perspective, each session gives me something I know will drive an additional six figures into my business.

As a successful real estate entrepreneur, Michael Sarracini has always dreamed big. However, like many entrepreneurs, he’d fallen into the common—though unsustainable, time-consuming, and often frustrating—habit of doing it all on his own. So when he envisioned starting a second business, Michael decided it was time for a change.

10x Mindset Shift
Though Michael had found success in his first business, he also got stuck working long hours and sacrificing his personal life. With his second business, he wanted to find a better way. “When I built my first business, I took on the classic entrepreneurial ‘rugged individualism’ approach where I firmly believed that the more I worked, the better results I’d have,” he says. “Though I managed to grow to where I wanted to be, it had taken more time and frustration than it should have.

“So when I had an idea for my second business—which I wanted to grow big—I knew there had to be a better way. I couldn’t keep doing it all on my own and working these crazy hours while also starting to raise a family and have kids.”

Game-Changing 10x Growth
Over his decade as a Strategic Coach member, Michael has experienced some truly astonishing growth. “Through the mindset and behavioral changes we’ve implemented through Strategic Coach,” he says, “we’ve managed to hit 10x growth multiple years in a row (including 5,446%, or 54x growth, since the beginning!) and have won awards for being one of the fastest-growing companies in the country.”

Beyond this incredible exponential growth, Michael has also seen the impacts of Strategic Coach play out in more subtle ways. “As part of 10x’ing with Strategic Coach, I’ve found that I now live the 10x ideology and, as a result, attract 10x strategic partners, employees, and like-minded clients.

“And when it comes to these clients, by using Strategic Coach tools and concepts, I’ve also been able to 10x not only my results but their results as well.

“Finally, thanks to the innovation and 10x shifts Strategic Coach has helped us make, our company is the market leader and innovator that, by default, stays ahead of the competition. The things I’m working on today are the things that my competitors will try to copy 12 months from now. But by then, I’ll have already launched the next thing.”

Thankfully, Michael found Strategic Coach®, which allowed him to immediately begin shifting his perspective on what was possible. “From the very first workshop,” he says, “Strategic Coach completely opened the door to a different way of thinking for me—including a shift into a 10x Mindset as well as the guidance and tactical tools I needed to really make that happen.”

Life-Changing 10x Freedom
At the end of the day, Michael wants other entrepreneurs to know that they don’t need to fall into the trap of constant overwork and doing it all themselves. “Freedom is an important part of a 10x mindset since that’s why most entrepreneurs start their business,” he says. “But many entrepreneurs end up losing their freedom along the way because they are working so hard to get to that next level.

“However, learning to 10x—particularly with the support of Strategic Coach—allows you to build your business in a way that lets you grow while still avoiding the trap of losing your freedom and getting stuck working 80 hours a week.”

As to the freedom that Michael personally enjoys in his life and business, he couldn’t be more satisfied. “Strategic Coach has really helped me balance my freedom with growing my business. This means I’m able to do things like take three days off in the middle of the week to go on my kid’s field trip or mountain biking. I’m also able to contribute to my community more, like sitting on the Board of Directors for the Children’s Foundation—where I actually use what I’ve learned in Strategic Coach to better support the organization!—and on the council for my kids’ school.”

When asked why an already successful entrepreneur should consider joining Strategic Coach, Michael says, “Why wouldn’t you join a program that’s designed to drive your freedom and continued success?

“If you qualify for Strategic Coach and have already tasted success, put some fuel on that fire. Strategic Coach is the fuel that will help you progress faster with less frustration and more fun.

“After all, becoming a member of Strategic Coach isn’t like joining a one-and-done course or program. Strategic Coach is made to grow with you. Your journey to personal fulfillment doesn’t end just because your journey to cash confidence has. Truly, Strategic Coach is here to help you make space for that fulfillment and grow limitlessly into the future.”